Attention fans of clemmons university! In case you forgot, we won the national championship and beat you twice to do so! Now to other things.
Ryan had an entertaining evening MCing the SOAR fundraiser. This is a special needs school, and he was able to spend the majority of the time with Radio and Coach Jones. Radio notes that they are going to beat Westside and that he likes Bojangles.
The State newspaper got the message from Coach Spurrier apparently and moved Joe Person off of the USC beat and up to a paper in Charlotte. To say that Person's relationship with the USC staff was strained would be an understatement.
Bobby Bowden claims he was forced out at FSU. In other breaking news, Bojangles makes good chicken.
In the often overlooked but incredibly important special teams battles, Seth Strickland has won the holder job that was vacated when Stephen Flint gave up football. Strickland is a QB so maybe we add a new fake FG this season?
Positive statement of the week from the coaching staff came from Coach Beamer. Anyone who underestimated the impact Ryan Succop had on our defense through field position was reminded of that all year, especially when Spiller took the opening kick back for clemmons. Coach Beamer mentioned that both Jay Wooten and Dutch Fork's Joey Scribner-Howard placed several kicks two to three yards deep into the endzone. This could be huge. Succop was able to get good hang time as well, so we will have to wait and see on this. Watch out for kick placement. Adam Yates's biggest deficit last season was not lack of leg strength, it was putting the ball in the center of the field when his coverage was slanted to one side-see Spiller kick. Better kickoffs will only make our defense that much tougher this year.