From: Elliott
So ESPN reports yesterday that the 1.4 million dollars that it was reported that Kyle Parker signed for was a bit misleading. It turns out that he will only get $200,000 now, $700,000 in 2012, and the final $500,000 over the next two seasons. You see, the object here was to make more money, not less. At least that it what we thought. Maybe they didn't want to fork out the $20 bucks for a new wallet or didn't want over 2 million dollars? $200,000 minus 42% income tax is $116,000. It is said he is a man of faith, so subtract the 10% tithe and you get $96,000. Gotta pay that high priced agent, but luckily Carl will probably work for cheap.
So, how long till Kyle thinks, " I gave up a guaranteed chance at financial security for the rest of my life for this." At least he can still afford a new boat.